16 thoughts on “tools and process

    • Spray paint!! The mask photo was from a couple of years ago when I was experimenting with masking tape and aerosol cans 🙂 I still sometimes use a mask if I’m using a heavy amount of powder pigment and there’s a lot in the air

  1. Do you every do workshops? Love your process. Have made cold wax medium at home but not sure if this is the same as what you can buy?

  2. Would appreciate learning more information about the procedure was send some Robert Gamblin for cold wax painting technique .

    • Hi Fred. I learned from Rebecca Crowell. She has written a great book with Jerry McGlaughlin, called ‘ColdWax Techniques and conversations’ – they both run workshops too. Other cold wax artists I know of who teach include Niki Heenan and Janice Mason Steeves. In its simplest terms, cold wax medium is used with oil paint to speed up drying time, allow for applications of transparent layers using a roller and squeegee and is great for creating texture. There are many books and loads of information on line.

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