recent favourites

seeding  oil and wax 80cm sq canvas

oil and wax
80cm sq canvas

storm oil and wax 50cm sq panel

oil and wax
50cm sq panel

untitled oil and wax on paper

oil and wax on paper

where from and where to now oil and wax on panels 40 x 60 cm

where from and where to now
oil and wax on panels 40 x 60 cm

oil and wax on panel 50cm sq

oil and wax on panel 50cm sq

evening sky oil and wax on panels 40cm sq

evening sky
oil and wax on panels 40cm sq

my studio

my studio

I@m away for a week in Portugal. Sun sun sun sun 🙂
So here are some recent favourites to keep you all happy
see you next week 🙂










A few months ago I made a series of works on paper, mixed media, with some fun with masking tape and spray paint
The smaller ones proved to be very popular on facebook, maybe because they were quite approachable, easily accessible, landscapey
So I offered them for sale
2 of the smaller ones were snapped up and were quickly on their way to Yorkshire in England. Sent by ordinary post, in an ordinary envelope, their arrival was quick and problem free
The other two, well here’s the tale:
They were headed for Virginia in USA
Problem number 1 : after an hours exchange on facebook messaging with the customer and the bank teller, it was decided that an online transfer of funds was too difficult. So a counter cheque was dispatched from Virginia to Ireland
Problem number 2 : after receiving the counter cheque in Ireland, the paintings were dispatched by post, in a recycled envelope with an address label attached. After a whole month the parcel had not arrived. It was discovered in Ireland that tracking the parcel was impossible as the postal receipt had been mislaid ( note was made to self to ALWAYS post items personally and retain receipt!)
Problem number 3 : after 2 months with no paintings, the purchaser in Virginia, quite rightly, wanted a refund. The bank in Ireland was unable to send a counter cheque for such a paltry sum (320$) and suggested I try the post office
Problem number 4: the post office are not able to transfer funds directly time USA. Try Western Union
Problem number 5: Western Union charge a hefty fee! Money successfully refunded to customer in Virginia
Amazing discovery: a friend calls in for coffee. Her sister, 100 miles away, has received a parcel marked Liz Doyle on the back, containing 2 paintings! It was the recycled envelope, from which the label addressed to the customer in Virginia had become detached!
Problem number 6 : on being g informed of this discovery, the customer in Virginia no longer has the available funds for the purchase. I am not at all surprised! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Moral and pledge
Post will always be registered. New packaging will always be used. Maintain and open mind and a sense of humour

paper pathways







some work on paper, with studio shots and history
I took 10 new works on paper up to Gallery 1608 in Bushmills, near the Giants Causeway yesterday. They are getting lots of visitors through the lovely new gallery now that the tourist season is picking up.
I also took some new paintings, including the bottom one pictured. below, (reeds, Cruit Island) to the little arts and crafts gallery in Dungloe, Errratic Makers
I think I must have about 60 paintings out in galleries now, and there are still too many at home 🙂







back to canvas




Back in the studio briefly, had to lay down some colour
Working on two canvases 80cm square
Started with oil bar, then a very liquid oil mixed in a jar with Malmittel quick drying medium
Used a roller to spread about, turning the canvas round frequently
Will work on them again when tacky still, maybe later today or tomorrow