
Acrobatic visitor

(A draft poem, with thanks to Beatrix Potter )

Do you remember those little brown books?
Hard backs with shiny slip covers, or perhaps the slip covers
came later. I remember the soft suede feel of the boards.
Dainty pastel roundels of our woodland friends.

Nidderdale and swallowtail laundry maid hedgehog
in a bonnet. Running down the green swathe.
Rabbits in waistcoats with tall pointed ears.
Defiant against the landlord.

And bold red Nutkin with the fluffy tail.
Memories of a fifties childhood. Arcane springboard
for a lifetime passion for our small wild neighbours
who share this shrinking Earth

On my way again

On the train from Abergavenny to Machynlleth

writing on the train

Two more poems, ‘Buddleia’ from another train journey

And ‘Pwll y wrach’ ( which means ‘witch’s pool)

View from the train, no Buddleia here


bursting out bravely from crevices and chimney pots
round the rough edges of abandoned plots
of land behind razor wire and barbed wire
on bomb sites

round broken concrete bunkers and crumbling
wartime airstrips, army camps and waste dumps
sooty spaces and looted places

into all these the grey green leaves reach their arms
of new growth and so the buddleia bush embraces
debris and decay and deathly ancient traces

and stretches up her waving arms towards the blue blue sky
and without help or nurture or encouragement
attracts with her nectar the humble hope filled butterfly

Pwll y Wrach

Cover image by Marc Jennings

‘pwll y wrach’

I read it in my book just now
‘Witch’s pool’
How evocative
Did she drown?
Or her cat
Or did she use
The glassy surface
To reflect
Her face
Or read her future
Or just wash her tired feet

I wrote this short piece when I read the place name ‘Pwll y wrach’ in Richard Gwyn’s marvelous book, ‘The Blue Tent’

(Cover image by Marc Jennings above)

The book is published by Parthian Books

Bah humbug

An un-Christmassy draft poem!

Just thinking about how much overindulgence there is to come in this next month!

This tree is from a few years ago, ours isn’t up yet this year

New poem (draft) November 2021

Chocolates and toffees in bright tubs almost force fed
piled high in the aisles everywhere in the Northern hemisphere
in all of Christendom from October to January. So much gold
foil and bright lights. Too much for me, for my eyes
for my mind for my heart for my soul. For my teeth. For the Earth
a farce of false sweetness. Corruption and greed. How much stuff
do we need. Feed the hungry. Not addiction, excess weight
and Big Business. It keeps me awake at night, gives me heart
burn and palpitations. Nations aren’t ready to lay down their excesses
or redress the imbalances of their fathers and grandfathers. What of the mothers
and children and their children and grandchildren when the lands in the South
that grow sugar cane are desert and dead? When will they get it into their heads
We don’t want all their baubles and promises. Fudged fixes and smoke screens.
Christ would have been happy with dates