An Island in the West

‘At the Peak’ a large painting of mine now in a private collection

Surrounded by the lull

Of the lapping amniotic salty sea


On a calm day blue green

Serene as a lullaby


In a storm she crashes

And collapses the beach defences


Triangle mountain transcends

The violent fickle pull of the tide

He manifests new pathways


Pierces the clouds of self abnegation

And affirms my right

To the light of creation


Home of the sun god Lugh

Sharp granite peak of enlightenment

Pointer to the stars


Good to be back

It’s so good to see you all again ‼️

What with lockdown and everything I’ve been missing you

Let me know in the comments what you’ve been up to for the last few months

And what are you looking forward to doing as lockdown gradually eases where you are?

Stay safe! 🍀 Looking forward to hearing your news!