
Tide (c. 100x170cm)

My gallery, Hambly&Hambly in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, has a fabulous exhibition, HARK!

Celebrating the season with a beautiful selection of new works from me and of course many other brilliant artists from across the island of Ireland and further afield

To celebrate the season and to thank all my great followers, collectors and friends at Hambly&Hambly there is a very special offer available on these new works

Breathe (c. 110x160cm)

The offer is to buy one of these two big pieces shown above (‘Tide’ and ‘Breathe’) at a special reduced seasonal price, and receive TWO of these smaller works below FREE as a gift and a thank you from us to you 🎄

Clockwise from top left: ‘shoal’ ‘weir’ ‘flagella’ and ‘b-valve’ these are 10” and 12” square (c. 30 & 25cm)

Please contact Ciara Hambly at the gallery on

+44 7808 010327

Or email Ciara@hamblyandhambly.com

Go large for 2016


Restretching an old linen painting other way up


It’s huge! (120cm x 200cm – about 4′ x 6’6″)


Priming it with gesso on 2 easels in my studio


First few layers on New Years Day
A blue grey base coat. Then taped. Then turquoise above, 2 greens below. Some yellow powder pigment dusted over the bottom half. Random diagonal marks with the squeegee edge. Removed tape. More tomorrow.
Good start to 2016 🙂