


Why on earth would I attempt to paint landscapes when you can get photos like these?
Admittedly the saturation is high and the pixels are visible
This sort of thing is a rich source for abstraction, combined with the sharp hail on my nose and my wet feet from the incoming tide


And Junos disappointment at the orange fishing float not being a ball (too hard too heavy) is just icing on the cake
Its February tomorrow, Spring will soon be here
Keep warm, be safe 🙂

fireflies from afar

dont know why I am thinking of fireflies, and bright sparkling lights on water, and warm evenings
perhaps because its hailing and theres snow on the mountains
perhaps because in Portugal it was 19° at this time of day
peehaps because the warm reds and golds popped through the blues and warmed my soul





The Lojong Sketchbook: My Practice

appropriately, ‘ starting back at the beginning’ the first in a series of posts about her ‘lojong practice’ Zenkatwrite’s blog. Thanks Kate

Zenkatwrites's Blog

I am using Weeping Buddha and the lojong sayings and commentary from Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness by Chogyam Trungpa as a study, together.
I’ve been practicing
tonglen for over two decades, and it is my main practice.
This is the first installment.  To read the entire summary of posts go here.

W14 7 24 WEEPING BUDDHA 300dpiStarting back at the beginning.
Beginner’s mind.

There is a difference in studying and reading, and a difference in taking on a teaching as your practice.  I read two lojong books before I decided this was going to be my practice.  It sang to me.  I was a bodhisattva with my foot on the path but other than sit meditation, had not formal practice, and so, stood on the sidelines gleaming what I could.  I took to zen to develop a basic sanity, now I wanted to cultivate compassion.

As I have always done when learning…

View original post 724 more words

start again

this was the repeat refrain on a 10 day meditation retreat I did a couple of years ago in Nepal
applies in all walks of life!

3 paintings in my studio this morning, stuck, frustrated, unresolved



so ‘start again’!

2 new canvases, 80cm square
3 layers, wet on wet, of contrasting colours, oil and cold wax medium
then some different powder pigments
I’ll go back to them later today or tomorrow, when they are drier but still tacky, and work ovee with a roller
and then start again


