Getting there

Me at CillRialaig in August 2020
Cottage 5 CillRiallaig studio area
Picnic bench overlooking the sea

I’m booked into the wonderful artist retreat (cottage 5 again woohoo) at CillRialaig in County Kerry for 8th January for two weeks. It will take me two days getting there on public transport, and I need to ship most of my materials in advance. I wish I found the planning stage easier, but once I’m there I’ll be there

Getting there

does the swallow

prepare for

her long flight

the night before

is the bear

aware of tomorrow

as she wakes

my brain leaps

in consternation

with calculations

of timetables


arrivals departures

online booking apps

websites for overnights

advance preparations


of getting there

from here

but once there

I’ll be there

with all of me

being simply


I can only

hope so


this gap in time

a space. between

soft greys and

coming greens

a time to

change. pace

and watch a snail

trail on a square

window pane

a blur of dulled


from pain meds



on mid winter

dawn’s triple

glazed thrall

Old stick backs

These old chairs handed down

‘Old stick backs’

Monday morning, nearly Christmas
Sitting reading and drinking a first coffee by the stove
Just retrieved the hyacinths ‘forcing’, from the cupboard, in the yellow bowl
They always hold so much promise
At this, their etiolated stage
Like us, searching for the light
All the blue and yellow
Like a painting, perhaps I haven’t painted yet


(Little painting above the door by Heidi Nguyen)